
Jan 9, 20212 min

Domain Trends and Predictions for 2021

Happy New Year to all of our blog readers, colleagues, buyers and sellers! In case you missed the 2021 predictions post, Grit Brokerage founder, Brian Harbin contributed to the podcast with our 2021 predictions (FF to 12:54 to hear Brian’s predictions).

We wanted to summarize our thoughts on trends and predictions for this year in a blog post and add a few more ideas on how the domain market will continue to evolve in 2021:

  • Accelerated demand for ultra premium domains (one and two syllable words & three letter .coms) and higher sale prices.

  • Investors continue to acquire ultra premium domains, in many cases even offering higher than potential end users. This is telling to where the top end of the market is heading 🚀

  • Due to the heavy amount of fiat printing by governments and central banks worldwide, more investors are seeking refuge for their capital in scarce and appreciating assets. This will be instrumental in premium domain names carving out their own asset class.

  • Increased censorship on social media and other online platforms will continue to drive more demand to domain names from businesses and individuals looking for an online property they have sovereignty over.

  • Beyond .COM - we think that .ORG and repurposed ccTLD’s .IO, .CO and .AI (mainly ONE word domains) will continue to increase in value while nGTLD’s are likely to remain stagnant.

  • Fractional ownership of high value domain names may finally become a viable option for investors this year. There are several players in the industry working to bring this aspect of the market to light.

  • Keywords and categories that we expect will be hot this year for domains include - health care, automation, gaming, education, online shopping, clean/renewable energy, biotechnology and of course cryptocurrency/blockchain.

  • Continued consolidation! Our industry is quickly growing and we believe in 2021 we’ll continue to see more buyouts, partnerships and growth of established companies in this space.

We hope you enjoy the predictions and take away some nuggets that may help this year! What are some trends that you believe we will see in the domain industry this year?

We’re also interested to know from our readers what is the best article, podcast, video or tweet you saw/listened to in 2020 that made the most convincing case for why companies need to acquire the best version of their .COM domain name?
